About Us
“I have been driving and showing horses since I was a child. It has been my dream to open a horse-related business. I am currently engaged to Scott Sparks. In addition to being a owner of Chattanooga Carriage Company, I also manage the horses’ well-being and scheduling of drivers. I am thrilled to serve you.”
Meagan S. Bryant

Janice Bryant

Janice is Meagan’s Mom and has been involved with Horses and Horse Shows nearly her entire life. Meagan was influenced heavily by her mother and she is proud to carry on the tradition in her own way.
Tim Bryant

Tim Bryant is Meagan’s Dad and is the carriage and truck mechanic. He is the man that keeps the wheels turning for the entire company.

Allie is a carriage driver. She is pictured here with Jerry.

Bailey is a carriage driver. She is pictured here with King.

Linden is a carriage driver. She is pictured here with Jerry.

Olivia is a carriage driver. She is pictured here with her carriage dog Mable.

Haley was a carriage driver. She is pictured here with Perl. Both Haley and Perl have retired.

Hannah was a carriage driver. She is pictured here with Trooper. Both Hannah and Trooper have retired.